Sunday, October 14, 2007

Its So Fun Today!!!


had PW meeting at tampines mac today to settle out WR stuffs with Mr Max. Our class bombarded the whole mac and took up many seats! lol. the worst thing is that we were deprived of power sockets, so we had to plug in 6-7 plugs into one socket!! omg i think josephine saw some sparks and smoke while connecting the last plug.. realli hoped that the mac wont get short-circuited and black out due to our 'considerate' actions. haha!

went home real soon after the meeting to prepare for the trip to mau mau hse. so sorry to my group members for not being able to join u all at shi lin's hse!

took my skewers and my lappy and left for mau hse. BBQ, House-warming, Birthday party!!
played halo 3 with jack and i was real noob! luckily we played the campaign so i didnt have to fight him, or else sure kenna trash.
Hao Yan started the fire real well! and the cooking commenced quickily. had alot of chicken wings, bacon slices and satay. very full la. kept eating non-stop.
then we immediately go play bb sia. haha luckily we neva vomit out anything on the basketball court. we were 'confronted' by a group of ppl who also wanted to play BB, so we agreed to a match=) at first we tot they were pro, cause they had the china face. lol no offence, i mean that ppl from china are usually good at basketball. however, we were proved wrong. i didnt have to do much and my team members easily trashed them. and they were playing rough too! theres this big guy running everywhere on the basketball court which will use his body to wack u. but, wat the heck, we beat them. haha. good job 4E1!

went back mau's condo then we celebrated his birthday=) cake was real delicious!! then the girsl kept taking photos and dragged us guys in. mau says that the amount of pictures taken with his SLR camera totalled 2+ gigabyte!!!

had a great time today. was happi to see clement, denver, bee siang, felicia=)
and the others around are all in mjc so, i got bored of seeing their faces.. LOL! jk la.. its real great to have our class outing. always fun fun de. next year go mrs oon hse!! =)

happi bdae to u,
happi bdae to u,
happi bdae to mau mau,
happi bdae to U!!

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